home remodeling

Eureka Boss Vacuum

An ideal home-cleaning buddy

With Boss Smart-Vac, you’ll really feel like a boss. It goes beyond the usual territorial cleaning

 and moves out even to the unseen portions of your  house- underneath the carpet. It collects dirt

on more surfaces with its distinctive dirt on more surfaces with its distinctive  and sealed HEPA

filter busting out 99.97 percent of dust, allergens, pollen and other microscopic organisms like

bacteria. It only means that there’s no sneezing or nasal effect while vacuuming the house. The

result is delightful– cleaner floor coverings and fresher air inside your home at the same time.

And mind you, it’s not a small thing to neglect.

The Power Paw  brush provides the required convenience in cleaning stairs and  furniture, and

even scrapes up pesky pet hair, so Lassie can stay longer inside. The motorized versatile brush

gets you anywhere, from carpet to plain-floor cleaning with the tap of abutton. The Boss Smart-Vac is activated by a sturdy, 12-ampere motor that gives ample suction power for extensive carpet-cleaning without leaving something behind on solid floors.

User-friendly performance

Remarkable consumer’s reviews give Boss the credits for its amazing and easy-to-use features, taking the dissatisfaction out of vacuuming. It comes with a 15-inch cleaning channel, covering a lot of ground immediately before company comes. In addition, the
specialized dust trap system catches dust and debris in three phases. A clever stretch hose has five times extension from its original length for cleaning furniture and sucking off the ceiling’s cobwebs. More than that, Boss won’t leave you coming up discontented with its incredible 30-foot cord. The plain floor brush is prepared to move smoothly across tile and wood floors while sucking up more debris and dust along baseboards and in hard-to-reach nooks. That’s simply superior to any other vacuum model. And dude, there’s more. There’s one bonus bag and extra Type-R belt included in the package. Your Boss Vacuum has a dimension of 12x15x44 inches and holds a limited warranty of one year.

A vacuum that produces best results

While following proper instructions, Boss has a lot more to do than what you expect. Our vacuum cleaner performs suction and includes a spinning brush roll. In case you do the vacuuming, be sure to keep your immediate body parts (hair, fingers or even loose clothing) from exposed and moving portions of the machine. Ensure also that the cleaning device is not placed on stairs or on furniture because the brush roll may bring damage. Just be extra careful in cleaning the stairs. Situate the vac on floor with the handle in storage manner while making use of the integrated attachments. At all times, never use the device without the filters (motor and
Hepa) and dust bag in place. As possible, make the brush roll free from lint and threads from time to time. In case of motor overheating, Boss is protected with its special thermostat for a safe performance; however, you still need to check it periodically.

Product Pros

Eureka is a respected company and a trusted brand for many years. I personally appreciate its vacuum cleaner forthe overall quality and efficiency. The features that you have just read are enough to persuade yourself to purchase the product.

  • incredible suction power
  • impressive sealed, Hepa filter system
  • good handling mechanism
  • less alteration of belts
  • light bulb is changed only once
  • easy switching option from vacuum to house
  • no need for crevice tool to assist in cleaning
  • Performance-wise- excellent!

Product Cons

 - maneuverability-averagely pleasing
 - plastic foot pedal breaks easily
 - hose attachment sometimes slips off the plastic holder
 - it’s heavier than other vacuums and carrying it is like doing a workout
 - cumbersome assembly of parts and accessories
 - hard-to-move brushroll switch


What I discovered and learned about this latest vacuum cleaner is the advanced cleaning technology that we all need for a cleaner and safer homes. I also value the anti-allergen approach that Eureka infused with this machine because it really assures us good and fresh
air to breathe. Overall, I would say that money might be a primary concern here but it’s worth the quality. To all the customers who pouted about endurance of Boss, I think it all needs careful hands to make it lasting and efficient. Great innovation from Eureka.